
Showing posts from April, 2020

How MGK is (not so) quietly becoming one of the most important artists of 2020.

We've all been glued to Instagram for the last 28 days. We've all also said what we would do if we only had more time to do it. Start a book. Finish an album. Paint the kids room. Fix that leaky pipe in the basement. MGK, Richard Colson Baker, I have heard no such words from. He has been all walk, no talk. He has posted almost daily over the course of this pandemic, and every single post has some serious replay value. He's covering Paramore, writing some of his best verses yet on In These Walls, showing off playing drums, piano, multiple guitars, and turns out he can actually hold a tune. I'm going to brush over his biography (which I'd write poorly anyway). I'm assuming you know most of it if you're these deep on the internet reading some dudes blog you don't know. Let's rewind back 15 years. High school MGK falls in love with hop hop. Okay, Mid-west & white. Impossible not to be compared to the biggest white rapper of all time. But he powere...

Counterparts - Nothing Left To Love

Six studio albums. One hell of an achievement in a genre a lot of people considered dead and/or dying. But like metalcore, Counterparts has no indication of slowing down. Nothing Left To Love is the next chapter in singer Brendan Murphy's depression-clad, high octane, Canadian born, metal band. Much like Dance Gavin Dance, this band has had a revolving door of artists; except with Counterparts, the singer has been the consistent one. Unless, of course, you count Will Putney, who is a massive reason why these guys have been able to stay not only relevant, but at the epicenter of their genre. It's no secret Counterparts lyrics are miserable, it's probably one of their biggest draws. The fact that Murphy has been able to keep producing high quality, sorrowful lyrics album after album is not something that should go unnoticed. The album, is honestly, bad-freaking-ass. It's not groundbreaking or breaking any barriers between genre's but it is damn consistent, produc...